So you've likely heard us talk about ways to delete the different apps in your life. More: Daily news, true crime, and more USA TODAY podcasts There may be some differences between the audio and the text. This transcript was automatically generated, and then edited for clarity in its current form. If you discover an easy way of getting rid of all your messages in Snapchat at once, feel free to share it in the comments section below.Hit play on the player above to hear the podcast and follow along with the transcript below. So, while it is frustrating for users, Snapchat’s lack of deletion options is probably not going to change any time soon. That was the whole point of the app in the first place.

There was a time when needing to delete your saved messages was ridiculous because there were no saved messages. The lack of bulk deletion options in Snapchat is probably just a side effect of the app’s original purpose. So, if you delete the messages but they had a gray background it’s highly likely that your Snapchat friend still has a copy of them. Messages that are saved also have a gray background rather than a plain white background. Snapchat messages generally disappear within a certain timeframe (either upon reading, or within 24 hours depending on users’ settings), so if your messages are still there after this time, they’ve been saved. How do I know if someone else saved my messages? The only way to take messages with you is by deleting them first using one of the methods we’ve described above. Although your profile will no longer remain, the app will still display what you’ve sent. But, it will not remove the message for other users. Of course, permanently deleting your account will remove your messages. If you long-press on the chat you will see an option for ‘Delete after viewing’ and ‘Delete in 24 hours.’ Can I delete my account to get rid of saved messages? The time it takes for your chat to disappear depends on your settings.

Depending on how badly you’d like to delete the message, click to confirm and the message will disappear on both ends. All you need to do is long-press the message in question and tap ‘Delete.’ A warning message will appear stating that the user will be able to see that you’ve deleted something.

Snapchat allows users to recall messages upon sending.